Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Journal of Political Economy and Fiscal Federalism

The KNRC has started the publication of a refereed annual journal, ‘Journal of Political Economy and Fiscal Federalism’ (ISSN No 2395-6976) in the year 2015. The initial volume featured research articles from internationally known academics like James Petras, Henry Giroux, Jagdish Bhagwati, Aravind Panagariya and Prabhat Patnaik. Later volumes carried articles from scholars such as C.P. Chandrasekhar, Jayati Ghosh, Amith Bhaduri, Heinz D. Kurz, Neri Salvadori, Raj Bhalla and others. The journal also provided opportunity for publication by research scholars from many Indian Universities. Four issues of the Journal has been published. Due to the pandemic-induced lock down and related issues, the publication of the journal could not be done from 2019 onwards. Since conditions has improved, we are in the process of restarting the publication.


Research Publication by the Faculty and Students

Members of the faculty are active in research publications. The Director, Dr. Johney Johnson has 43 journal publications, besides contributing chapters in six edited books. He has published two books. Other faculty members with rich publication performance include Dr. V. Mathew Kurian, Dr. S. Muraleedharan and Dr. Jose J. Naduthotty.