Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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K.N. Raj Centre (KNRC), established in 2012, is a befitting tribute to the memory of renowned economist Dr. K. N. Raj, whose contributions to India’s development policy, especially planning, are profound and enduring. It was conceived as a Centre of Excellence in Economics with specialization in planning and fiscal federalism.

Currently, KNRC offers MA Programme in Economics, with an emphasis on quantitative analysis. The institutions agenda is to offer innovative and frequently updated courses and curriculum in Economics, and thereby create the right platform for students to excel in the study of Economics, which will enable them to occupy high positions in the government sector as well as in business enterprises.


To be a leading academic institution delivering highly employable and socially conscious graduates with strong analytical skills, creative    intelligence, entrepreneurial and organizational skills. It is a vision that is anchored in our historically venerable values of intellectual excellence, which equally looks forward and embraces the expectations and ambitions of contemporary society.


The mission of the Centre is to provide, through both teaching and research, a better understanding of the global, national and local economic issues that will confront our society now and in the future.

To deliver challenging, stimulating, and research-based academic programs in an environment that supports learning and development of independent critical thinking among students.

To extend interactions with society and to encourage the use of experiential learning, including cooperative education that will assist the students in the development and advancement of career goals.