Thursday, March 13, 2025
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MA in Economics

The MA Programme in Economics is offered under the choice-based credit and semester system (CBCS). We take care to frequently update the syllabi of courses and add new courses taking in view the developments in the field of Economics and the demands of the industry and business. Basically, our approach is student-centric (OBE) in the sense of offering them the latest in the subject and equipping then with skills in tune with industry demand.  We run the programme on a time bound manner such that final year results were usually declared within 24 months of students joining the course.

The programme is run strictly according to the regulations for Credit and semester system (CSS) of Mahatma Gandhi University, which aims at flexibility in curriculum development, objectivity and critical approach in examination patterns and the use of continuous evaluation for assessment. The core courses lay the foundations for the basic theory and give students a feel for how it is being played out in real economies. The courses in Statistics, Optimization Techniques, Econometrics and Applied Econometrics equip them with a good range of skills and tools for quantitative analysis. The compulsory course in Fiscal and Public Policy provides a unique opportunity to understand the policy prescriptions for a developing country like India. In addition, depending on the demand, courses on sub fields like  FINANCIAL ECONOMICS, , BANKING REGULATION & FINANCIAL SECTOR REFORMS, ECONOMICS OF HEALTH & EDUCATION, RESOURCE ECONOMICS & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT , GAME THEORY AND ECONOMICS , ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS , GLOBALIZATION: ECONOMICS, POLITICS & ETHICS  and so on are offered as electives