Thursday, March 13, 2025
A- A A+


Students appear for two sets of examinations, one at the end of each semester and two for the purpose of continuous evaluation. 60 percent of internal marks are allotted for the two internal examinations. Currently, 60 percent of marks are allotted for end-semester examination and 40 percent allotted for continuous evaluation. Besides the two internal examinations, continuous evaluation consists of seminar, assignments (2), field work etc. A student has to clock 75 percent attendance to qualify for end-semester examination.

In order to ensure objectivity in evaluation, the question papers in the even semesters (2 & 4) are set by external examiners in the panel approved by the University. There is double valuation in these semesters. Norms for continuous evaluation are prescribed by the University and the students have the opportunity to appeal in case of complaints, if any. Marks for continuous evaluation are published in the Centre’s notice board five working days before the end-semester examinations.